Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - 1856 Words

Abstract Sudden Infant Death Syndrome remains the leading cause of post-neonatal mortality (under the age of one) in developed countries. The causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome have been puzzling and research is being conducted to solve this catastrophic problem. Having a child under the age of one makes me very concerned, along with any other parent(s), that the possibility of SIDS could affect any infant at anytime, SIDS does not discriminate. I am seeking to find the possible causes to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome so in the future deaths could be avoided. Researchers have studied the many possible causes of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and four have been selected for this paper. The first study addressed the effects of an†¦show more content†¦The researchers also examined a correlation between the prenatal risk factors and the incidences of SIDS. Sample: The researcher collected a sample of 244 SIDS cases and 869 controls in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. All the SIDS diagnosis were confirmed by the same forensic pathologist for accuracy. Four control groups were selected with the criteria of sameness in gender, age and place of birth. Method: Between the years of 1992 to 1995 the parents of the SIDS victims completed a questionnaire inquired as to the potential risk factors of SIDS. The questions on the questionnaire were regarding the sleeping position (independent variable) of the infant and prenatal information (independent variable) prior to death due to SIDS (dependent variable). Findings: The results found a high risk factor in prone and side sleeping in infants 13 to 24 weeks old and that the risk for prone sleeping was higher in girls than it was for boys. Also, the incidence of SIDS was higher in prone and side sleeping positions than supine sleeping position. The incidence of SIDS was found to be greater in infants of low birth weight and that were considered preterm. Additionally, infants who experienced intrauterine retarded growth showed a higher risk for SIDS when slept in theShow MoreRelatedEssay Sudden Infant Death Syndrome1594 Words   |  7 PagesSudden Infant Death Syndrome Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a mysterious phenomena that has managed to confound science so far. SIDS is defined as the sudden death of any infant or young child that is unexpected by history and in which a thorough post mortem examination fails to demonstrate an adequate cause (Hunt Brouillette, 1987). It is the leading cause of death in infants in developed countries occurring at a rate of almost 2 per 1000 births. It most often occurs in infants betweenRead MoreEssay Sudden Infant Death Syndrome1401 Words   |  6 PagesSudden Infant Death Syndrome Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the most frequent cause of death between 1 month and 1 year of age (Naeye). 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